Hi everyone Aaron now for Zollotech and thisis the iphone 10 s max and the iphone 12 pro max and so i wanted to help you decide if youshould inform to either one of them or perhaps upgrade from your iphone 10 s max to a 12 promax or something else and so the first thing is the iphone 10 s max shall cease to be sold new byapple it hasn’t been for over a year at this station but you can buy it refurbished from themon their website and from other sources as well and so from apple it comes in at 719 dollars andgoes up to a thousand nineteen dollars from apple refurbished now that comes in the three differentoptions of the iphone storage which is 64, 256, or 512 gigabytes with the iphone 12 pro max sinceit’s the newest telephone it’s also the most expensive it comes in at $1099 and goes up to 1 399. the nice thing is it does begins with doubled the cornerstone storage at 128 gigabytes has 256 and 512 gigabyte variances now there’s shade differences between them as well the 10 s max comes in silvergold and space gray-headed this is the silver color here and then the 12 pro max has four shades this isthe newer pacific blue color it also comes in gold silver and graphite which is basically space graynow the overall develop of both telephones is similar but they are very different the 10 s max hasthe bowed shape that we have with the iphone 11 lines but the 12 pro max goes back to the squaredoff style they’re both made of stainless steel and have glass figurehead and back and so the first thingis you’ll notice between the two patently other than the squared off hems is the overall weightthe 10 s max is emphatically thinner and also lighter so it comes in at 7.34 ounces or 208 gramsor the 12 pro max is 8.03 ounces or 228 grams so there’s definitely a difference there now onthe right hand side they’re a little bit different as you can see the 12 pro max has its powersleep wake button similar to that of the 10 s max but on the 10 s max we have a sim card tray on theright side we’re on the 12 pro max “were having” the 5g millimeter brandish feeler on the top there’s nothingon either of them on the left hand side you have your silent switch your loudnes buttons and thenon the 12 pro max you have your sim card tray here so they’ve reformed that up a little bit now onthe bottom they’re very similar with the lightning port in the microphone there’s four microphoneholes asymmetrically and then on the speaker side on the 12 pro max “youve had” six and on the 10 smax you have seven so insignificant inconsistency is there on the back you’ve got glass on both like isaid but it’s a matte glass on the 12 pro max it doesn’t demo fingerprints at all and if you haveone of the darker variants of the 10 s max you’ll check fingerprints all over it and so it’s a glossyfinish by the cameras they’re very different as well so the camera on the 12 pro max obviouslythere’s three gargantuan camera lenses followed by a lidar sensor a microphone and a flash on the 10 smax we just have two cameras with a twinkling in the middle and then a microphone so there’s some bigdifferences there which i’ll compare a little bit later now the overall width is quite differentas well the 12 pro max is surely taller it doesn’t feel any wider but it doesfeel thicker as well even though it’s not too much thicker but the squared off edgesmake it feel much larger now the spectacles do have some affinities and changes as wellthey’re both oled displays so that part’s same but the 10 s max has 3d touch on it so when youpress and hold something it triggers the reaction much faster because you’re actually measuringthe pressure sensitivity on the spectacle so if i 3d touch or haptic impres gab for exampleyou’ll insure the hasten divergence is very different i actually prefer 3d contact but regrettably noneof the new telephones have that so they’ve changed it with a press and hold to complete the same actionso that constituents you still get the benefit of that but it’s not the same sort of feeling sothere is a little bit of a difference there now other than that the 10 s max has a 6.5 inch super retina hd showing it’s 2688 by 1 242 pixels with a pixel density of 458 pixels perinch with the 12 pro max it’s a little large 6.7 inch super retina xdr display 2778 by 1284 with the same pixel density of 458 pixels per inch now the 10 s max does not go as luminou as the 12 pro max it has a maximum brightness of 625 nits where the 12 pro max has a regular employ brightnessof 800 nits and then with hdr content goes up to 1200 nits so if i turn it all the way up you’llsee you’re not going to be able to see it on camera but the 12 pro max is unquestionably a littlebit brighter so there is some differences there likewise both can play hdr and both presentations havegood considering angles no editions there but in using them over the years the 10 s max and the 12 pro maxuse pwm to control the brightness of the displays nonetheless the rate of the pwm or blinking ofthe display to control brightness which is something you can’t see with your eyes but canaffect your eyes if you’re sensitive to it is less on the 10 s max i actually find that my eyesare more sensitive to the 10 s max than the 12 pro max and the 10 s max it actually establishes more eyestrain with that in my experience since i actually have the above issues one in 10 parties seem to have eyestrain from it so i would recommend the 12 pro max in all such cases now like i said both can play hdrvideo so let’s go into youtube now both have 4k hdr ability on youtube let’s go ahead and punched playso “youre seeing” and if i revolve these you’ll see that one is a little bit brighter than the otheralthough you may not be able to tell that on this video because it’s not filmed in hdr but they bothhave that capability now let’s take a listen to the speakers and investigate which one announces a littlebit better there as well so here’s the 10 s max or an apple tv that being so hopefully it seems good foryou now everything’s set in automobile and i’m recording from an iphone 12 pro and here’s the 12 pro maxtv even so hopefully it appears good for you now everything’s set in auto and i’m recording froman iphone 12 pro so the footage now both din pretty good but the 12 pro max certainly becomes alittle bit louder and seems to have wider stereo resonate you can hear out of the top loudspeaker a littlebit better it’s a little bit wider and i think a little bit better overall and just sounds clearerat the highest volume so i think that’s better that path but they’re very close as far as overallvolume now as far as the internal specs well the iphone 10 s max has the a12 bionic cpu with fourgigabytes of ram and the second generation neural locomotive now according to apple the 12 pro max hasthe a14 bionic with six gigabytes of ram and the next gen neural machine so it’s not the secondgen it’s the next gen or they should just kind of bump that up to whatever generation we’re onbut it is a little bit more powerful that action now to show the overall hasten and supremacy of the cpuwe can try a simple thing like open a game for example so we’ll open minecraft on both give ita moment to load and ensure what it can do and then we’ll try something a little bit more intensivein just a moment so we’re in the game once on the 12 pro max let’s go ahead and smacked play onboth we’ll affect procreate brand-new on both initiate new world and then create and we’ll pass it amoment we should get another pop-up now there we go and we’ll make start at the sametime and see what happens now i’ve run this exam a pair different times and saw differentresults sometimes the 12 pro max is much faster you’ll receive we’re already laden there sometimesthe 10 s max is much faster but in such cases the 10 s max laded pretty quickly within a fewseconds of the 12 pro max and they’re both going to be smooth once you’re in and no publishes playingthe game whatsoever now if we try something a little bit more intensive maybe export 4kvideo let’s try that we’ll go into imovie go into imovie on both you’ll see i have thesame exact movie on both of them the same length and i have the same title in bothof them so if i go all the way back here i’ve got a little separate in the footage we’ll goback on the the 10 s max you’ll see i have a title here that i framed so it would have to recompressthat video so let’s go ahead and slip these over and then i’ll bring in a stopwatch ora timer so i’ve got another telephone as a timer now or a stopwatch let’s goahead and go to done on both of them so let’s go ahead and smacked share on both ofthem they’re going to export in 4k so we’ll go ahead and thumped save video and stumbled start atthe same time and let’s see what they can do so you pictured the export occasions were very close withina couple seconds of one another so that was really impressive either way to export that video thatfast now let’s go ahead and stumbled ok now if you did something like edit a photo you’re going tofind it evenly as fast so if we go into photos and here i have the exact same photo in both ofthem so we’ll go ahead and affected edit and let’s see what we can do as far as auto so we’ll affect autoon both and you’ll see that the 12 pro was only a second or so faster maybe half a second fasterthey both have the ability to adjust different things abruptly you’re not going to have any slowdowns really and overall processing of photographs and things like that will be fast on both so the1 2 pro max is a little bit faster in general but not enormously faster now as far as the camerasthere’s a huge difference between the cameras so for example the forward-facing cameras on the1 0s max are not as good as the 12 pro max it has a 7 megapixel forward facing camera that canrecord 1080 p video where the 12 pro max has a 12 megapixel forward-facing camera that can do4k hdr video so there’s a big difference with the forward-facing camera on them so if we flipthem around here you can see that the camera from this video you can’t see certain differences but we’lltake a closer look at that in really a little bit now with the rear facing cameras obviously there’sa huge difference we have two cameras versus three and much different sensor immensities with the 12 promax you have much larger sensors on the 10 s max “youve had” dual 12 megapixel sensors but wideand telephoto cameras so you have an f 1.8 wide and an f 2.4 telephoto that can do 2x opticalzoom on the 12 pro max you have the same megapixel count you have triple 12 megapixel cameras with anultra wide f 2.4 wide f 1.6 telephoto f 2.2 and a 2.5 x optical zoom the 12 pro max gets additionalfeatures though such as night mode and deep fusion for photos apple pro raw light portraits4k 60 with dolby dream hdr and the lidar for auto focus and augmented actuality app so there’sa huge difference when it comes to the cameras there’s lots of different options between both ofthem as well so let’s throw the camera around here and you can see already in the upper right we haveraw now if we go into our locates for example we can go into the settingsof both go down to camera go down to camera on the 10 s max and we dohave 4k 60 alternatives in both but we only have hdr video capability on the 12 pro max it is therefore hassome added facets which are really nice and then also all of those light description modesso let me show you a bunch of the various photographs and videos to compare these so “youre seeing” themfor yourself and insure what you think glances best so this is the forward-facing camera of theiphone 10 s max and the iphone 12 pro max and as you can see right away the iphone 12 promax has a much wider lens on it compared to the 10 s max and both of them are doing a pretty goodjob of handling the background the neural device is actually calculating what’s in the backgroundto give us the best dynamic wander and so let me know what you think ogles best and sounds best inthe comments below as this is the iphone 10 s max and here’s the microphone of the iphone 12 promax also the 12 pro max is in 4k where the 10 s max simply goes up to hd so there should be quitea significant difference between the two of them now the batteries of both telephones are actuallyquite different as well even though the 10 s max is close in width to the 12 pro max it’s just notas big as far as the battery it’s a 3 174 milliamp hour battery that apple says is capable of playingback video for up to 15 hours with the 12 pro max it’s a 3 687 milliamp hour artillery that applesays is capable of playing back video for 20 hours so there’s a huge difference you get about aquarter more battery life with the 12 pro max and in my experience you’re going to see aboutseven hours of screen on time with the 10 s max and 10 to 12 hours of screen on time with the1 2 pro max i might have gotten eight hours at best with the 10 s max recently so you’re going tosee considerably better battery life with the 12 pro max not only due to the larger battery but due to ithaving a more efficient cpu or processor so that’s something that’s very different between both ofthem now both of them do support fast blame 50 in 30 hours with a 20 watt charger and bothhave wireless charging capability now with the 12 pro max you have apple’s brand-new mag safe connectionso it wirelessly blames applying magnets to align it to give you a faster rapidity so “youve had” 15 watts offast accuse wirelessly utilizing the redres adapter so you have that along with other accessoriessuch as events that have magsafe in their own homes and then too additional third-party supplementaries that helpyou nurse it in place maybe in a automobile for example so that’s something that’s just a little bit niceyou can use magsafe with a 10 s max but it doesn’t adhere magnetically so if you row it up in themiddle you’ll see it starts blaming so it is an option but it’s not something that will attachitself magnetically to the back which is just a nice little peculiarity that you have with the 12 pro max now wireless antennas are a little bit different as well with the 12 pro max like i saidwe have 5g so we have faster speeds overall if “youve had” 5g in your the regions and you also have a qualcommmodem versus an intel modem in the 10 s max the intel modems were ok but many people said theyhave issues with connectivity and calls discontinuing and things like that over time with the 12 pro maxi’ve yet to experience any of that and it seems to be much more reliable overall of course with5g you generally get faster races depending on your range and then also you have different wi-fioptions the 10 s max is capable of wi-fi 5 and bluetooth 5.0 so wi-fi five is 802.11 ac where the1 2 pro max has 802.11 ax or wi-fi 6 and bluetooth 5.0 so that is a little bit better with the 12 pro max now the intellectual property rights ratings or dust and water defiance on the 10 s max is ip6 8 for 2 meters upto 30 instants with the 12 pro max apples increase that to ip68 6 rhythms for 30 instants so you haveadditional water resistance but again apple will not consider that if you’ve injury your phone viawater so just obstruct that in recollection it will help maybe if you get some water on it it shouldn’treally affect it but that should help you if you do decline your phone in a puddle or somethinglike that and and it should last-place a little longer with the newer telephone now which one shouldyou choose well if you can get a 10 s max for a rational reject compared to the 12 pro maxthen sure this would be a great phone if you still have one it’s still a good phone and still plentycapable and will get updates for years apple generally is supportive of telephones for about fiveyears sometimes up to six years so you’ll still get at least three more years of informs with the1 0s max as far as ios based off what they’ve done in the past so that aims ios 17 maybe even ios 18 or further on depending on what they decide to do with the 12 pro max being that it’s brand new ofcourse you’re going to get 5 year minimum out of that and many more ios informs up to ios 19 ormaybe even 20 at this target so you have that now as far as the rate though like i said if you canfind a 12 pro max and a 10 s max at the same price well then i would go with the 12 pro max againyou’ve got a lot of advantages with the camera the battery life and more but if you have a 10 s maxand “youve been” enjoy the phone and it’s working just fine for you well then i wouldn’t necessarilyrun out and refurbish unless it’s something that wishes to specific on the 12 pro max i wouldn’tupgrade specifically for 5g for example but for the cameras and maybe the better display then iwould go that route it truly comes down to what your budget is and which one has the features thatyou require if you don’t care about the camera and battery life isn’t a huge concern well then getthe 10 s max if not then get the 12 promax but let me know which one you prefer in the comments belowand i’d love to hear which phone you’re using now if you’d like to get your hands on this wallpaperof course i’ll link it in the specific characteristics like i usually do and if you haven’t subscribedalready delight subscribe and if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanksfor watching this is Aaron i’ll see you next time
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